NLP Life Coach Richmond

Discover a transformative approach to wellness and self-improvement with our top-rated NLP life coach in Richmond. Employing the key principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), our coach can help you identify and overcome chronic patterns of thought and behaviour that may be hindering your personal success. This innovative method integrates elements of cognitive behavioural therapy, humanistic therapy, and mindfulness – enabling a multifaceted approach to self-improvement and mental well-being.

Our NLP life coach in Richmond provides personalised coaching sessions that are tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Whether it’s alleviating stress, improving confidence, enhancing communication skills, or promoting better work-life balance, our expert is committed to helping clients achieve their goals. Our coach utilises NLP techniques to challenge limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and ingrained mental habits, fostering a more positive and proactive mindset.

Working with an NLP life coach in Richmond allows you to delve deeper into your own potential, equipping you with the mental tools and strategies to shape your future on your own terms. We invite you to take the first step towards greater self-awareness, self-empowerment, and personal fulfillment in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. It’s time to leave behind what no longer serves you and begin your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more successful life.

The hardest part of any journey is usually taking the first step. Give me a call or send me an email and that’s the first step done! Then we can have a chat to see if and how I can help. No pressure. It is that easy.

About me

Let’s get the formalities over and done with. I am a Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner, a professional member of ANLP, and a member of ICF.

I have a lot of life experiences under my belt. I have hitchhiked around Texas as a youngster, visited many countries, and mentored others in the field of education. I also ran my own business providing early years childcare for over 20 years, one of my greatest professional achievements to date.

But hitting my 50s a few years ago, was a pivotal moment. I felt I had lost my sense of identity and to some extent my health.

I knew I needed and wanted to change, to re-evaluate my life and to overcome my personal battle with my weight.

In the end, that personal journey of overcoming my own challenges led me to a total career change and to re-training as a coach because I knew I could and wanted to help others. I am not going to say my own journey was not daunting at times, but I hope my personal transformation will help inspire others.

Oh, and I love fresh flowers, Latin music, football and reading – which is my greatest joy.

What are my values?

There are certain things that really matter to me. I hope they resonate with you too because they are very much part of how I work:


I approached Haleh at my dark times. I was going through my divorce. A separation that was hard on both of us but needed to be done. Haleh helped me by being a really good and understanding listener. She asked me questions that really opened up my mind. Some I couldn't even answer because I had never thought about it before but it became an exercise and practice at home. She also gave me some very cool exercises to do at home which was very interesting and helpful to me. I love how calm and positive she is. The experience really helped me get through it. I would definitely recommend Haleh to anyone who feels confused.

This message is from a stronger Benita. 😁 💪

Coach Halleh, i wanted to personally thank you for your coaching. You have listened carefully and helped me to dissect so many issues that were stopping me prioritizing and moving forward. In a few sessions with you, you have made it clear what is more important now and how to compartmentalize different tasks' work, home and personal. Thank you again for your continued support.

Katrina Los Angeles, CA

From the beginning I was nervous, I am not one for a talker especially when talking about myself. However, sitting in with Haleh from the start made me feel at ease. I believe she may have sensed the nervousness about me and already had a warming approach. Towards the end I could not stop talking and learned a lot of things about myself in our session. Haleh’s professionalism was superb, it felt like I had known her for years and at one stage thought I was talking to a friend of 10 years. We set some great tasks ahead and I felt energised and motivated to move onto my next phase. If there is anyone like me and is not much of a talker, I highly recommend to spend 5 minutes with Haleh and you have the best experience.

Let go of guilt and embrace saying no

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